
I’m a Solutions Architect / Engineer / Consultant that enjoys learning, …and computers :-D

I hold a MSc in Telecommunications Engineering and I’ve accumulated 15+ years of experience in networking and IP telephony (in pretty much all sorts of customer-facing roles: Sales, Professional Services, Customer Success and Support).

I speak 🇮🇹 Italian, 🇪🇸 Spanish and 🇫🇷 French.

Actively certified under the AWS Certified Solutions Architect program and the CCIE program, CCIE #56036.

CCIE and AWS CSA Associate Logos

I’ve been fortunate enough to work/consult for some of the largest Communication Service Providers (CSPs) and Enterprises in Europe. You can contact me and find more about my experience here.

This Site

The word Retibus means “networks” in Latin. The concept of Networks is what ties together all things in this blog: computing, cloud architectures, routers, telephony
…and more 😁

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The content of the posts is all originally created by me (the author), and it’s shared on this site with no purpose other than fostering free exchange of knowledge and ideas among the Internet Community.
Under no circumstance these posts represent a design recommendation, and can not substitute proper IT architecture and engineering work.
In no event shall the author be liable for any loss or special, indirect or consequential damage of any kind resulting from the use of, access to, or reliance on the information contained within this website.


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